Welcome to the Beanstalk Single Mums podcast. This podcast is designed to support and empower single mums from all walks of life and at every stage of their single-mother journey. Hosted by Lucy Good, founder, and Elle Sitek, owner of beanstalkmums.com.au. We feature expert guests who provide valuable information on all aspects of single motherhood. Topics include separation, family law, children of divorce, co-parenting, solo-parenting, education, careers, dating, sex, health, household management, and a range of financial matters.

Friday Dec 03, 2021
How giving to charity at Christmas can really help your kids
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
We can hardly be blamed for getting caught up in consumerism at Christmas. It is everywhere! We are constantly encouraged to buy more, to eat more, and to keep up with everyone around us.
Quite frankly, it's exhausting.
Are you ready to pull in the reigns this Christmas and to offer a little of what you have to those in desperate need?
Christmas is a time to accept our place on the globe, to practice gratitude for all we have and to help our children understand how and why to give to charity.
If I've not convinced you, then Noddy Sharma from World Vision certainly will. He explains how donating is so much more than a simple act of giving. It will educate your kids, help them to see the bigger picture of the world around them and instil wonderful values that they will hold in their hearts forever, and maybe even pass down to their own children.
How giving to charity at Christmas can really help your kids
Listen to Noddy and I discuss:
- Why it's so flippin' hard not to get caught up in consumerism at Christmas and ultimately overspend
- How to ignite an enthusiasm in our kids to be charitable
- Some of the really cool ways for you and your kids to donate through World Vision
- How much of what you donate reaches the right place (I know this is something you'll be wondering!)
- The message it give our kids if they see us donating at Christmas
- How to make our kids aware of disasters/crisis situations around the world ... without terrifying them
For more podcasts like this and heaps of other free single mum resources head to the Beanstalk Mums website.

Sunday Nov 21, 2021
How to get help with this parenting gig
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
I honestly don't believe there is a parent alive who doesn't struggle at times. How can we not?
There are no hard and fast rules for parenting. No guide to follow, or exams to pass.
Yes, parenting is a mission of trying your best and sometimes winning but sometimes not. All the while learning but constantly evolving because no two days and no two kids are the same. Fun heh?
In this podcast I chat to the Managing Director of Parentline, Kimberley Harper, about getting the support you need and deserve in your parenthood journey. And, even better, getting it for free.
So have a listen and learn ways to make parenting easier, calmer and happier for everyone in the family.
Kimberley and I talk about:
- Understanding that parenting is bloody hard and it's ok to reach for support
- The biggest parenting struggles for mothers (hint: overwhelm is one of them)
- How getting support and talking through your parenting problems can seriously help
- Advice specifically for single mothers who are dealing with financial pressures and the stress of co-parenting
- Daily and ongoing parenting practices which will help you to not only survive but to thrive in your role as mum
For more podcasts like this and heaps of other free single mum resources head to the Beanstalk Mums website.

Monday Nov 15, 2021
Receive and give support as a single mum this Christmas
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Christmas can be a particularly hard time for many single mothers.
We feel pressured to create a picture-perfect Christmas for our kids, complete with stereotypical family and presents galore.
Is it any wonder that we experience more Christmas-fear than Christmas-cheer?
To help lighten the load for struggling single mums, I chat to Major Beth Twivey from The Salvation Army about how we can reach for support during the festive season (and the rest of the year).
Or, if you're in a position to donate, we go full-circle and also discuss the many clever, thoughtful and fun ways give to those in need at Christmas.
In this chat, Major Beth Twivey and I cover:
- Why many problems for single mums can feel exacerbated at Christmas
- The kind of support The Salvation Army offers at Christmas (and throughout the year) - there is heaps!
- Wonderful ways we can give to those in need
- How to reach for support through The Salvation Army (which is often the hardest step)
- How to block out the madness and enjoy Christmas for the peaceful family time it should be
For more podcasts like this and heaps of other free single mum resources head to the Beanstalk Mums website.

Monday Oct 25, 2021
What to do if the other parent breaches court orders
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
You've been through hell and high water, but finally you and your ex have got your courts orders approved by the family court in relation to the care of your children after separation. All you need to do now, is follow them. Simple.
Not always.
It is way too common for co-parents to breach carefully planned court orders, which can cause havoc for everyone, including the children involved.
So what should you do if this happens to you?
Enter: Eustacia Yates from Australia’s first non-profit law firm, New Way Lawyers.
Eustacia brings her depth of practical experience and technical knowledge to this chat, where she explains exactly what to do if your ex has breached your family court orders.
In this episode Eustacia and I discuss:
- Common scenarios around the breaching of court orders and why they may happen
- The importance of getting orders as perfect as possible from the get-go
- The right steps to take if the other parent breaches court orders
- A bit about contravention applications and proceedings
- The consequences of breaching a court order
- What to do if you are considering breaching a court order for any reason
- Tips to co-parent with a parent who is continually breaching a court orders
For more podcasts like this and heaps of other free single mum resources head to the Beanstalk Mums website.

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Why separating without lawyers is definitely a thing
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
It is a myth that you need to hire lawyers to separate and divorce.
You don't.
Property settlement is essentially a financial exercise that a lot of separating couples can work through together with the support of an expert. Which is where Belinda from Divide comes in.
Belinda works with separating couples throughout Australia to help you financially separate and have your orders approved by the family court, without using lawyers. The end result is a more amicable split which will encourage a healthier co-parenting relationship and leave more money for you both to begin your new lives.
Not only this, Belinda is a whizz at tax and super in a financial split so her advice will pay-off now and way into the future. Or, to put it another way, nothing will come back and bite you on bum further down the track.
Sounds good? Find out more in this podcast.
Listen to Belinda and I discuss:
- Which kind of cases would or would not require the services of a family lawyer
- Options available to separating couples if they don't want to hire lawyers
- The benefits of choosing the "no lawyer" pathway (there are heaps!)
- The importance of factoring super and tax into a property settlement (and what can happen if you don't)
- Ways to keep your separation amicable so you can "make it through" without lawyers
For more podcasts like this and heaps of other free single mum resources head to the Beanstalk Mums website.

Friday Sep 24, 2021
Your official guide to Child Care Subsidy balancing
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
It's that time of year ladies ... don't delay and confirm your income with Services Australia today!
Because once you have, Services Australia can get to work and balance your child care subsidy for the financial year.
If you are hesitant for any reason, listen to this podcast with Hank Jongen, General Manager of Services Australia, because he has a great way of explaining the process that makes it all sound super simple.
Whether you don't know where to start, you're concerned about a debt, or you just want to get it right moving forward, you'll get the support you need. And, if you don't, Hank explains where to go for more support - and this is not just the usual channels ...
Hank explains:
- What CCS is and how it is paid
- What you need to do to have your CCS balanced
- How to confirm your income (over and over again if you need to)
- What to if you don't need to lodge a tax return (don't do nothing!)
- What outcomes to expect once your CCS has been balanced
- What support is available if you have incurred a debt
- Where to go for more information

Monday Sep 20, 2021
4 Simple strategies for a low conflict separation
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
A low conflict separation might seem like a contradiction in terms but it really is possible for many ex-couples. Maybe not right now, but certainly in time.
The truth is, it only takes one person to counteract conflict with a more effective and peaceful resolution process. If you want to be this person, this podcast will help you move your separation out of the combat zone and into a collaborative, working space.
I chat to Lisanne Iriks, who is an award-winning mediator and coach and the owner of Life Mediation. Having been a mediator for over 12 years, specialising in family mediation, Lisanne is perfectly placed to share her knowledge around this tricky topic.
Even if you think there is no hope for you and your ex, it is likely you will find some of Lisanne suggestions helpful, so listen and learn ladies ...
Lisanne and I discuss a lot of stuff, including:
- Why it is so incredibly important to aim for a low-conflict separation
- Understanding the stages of grief in separation and how to keep the peace with this knowledge
- The importance of interim orders
- Communication - responding and not reacting
- Where (and where not) to get advice and support, this is so important!
- Lisanne's work with Beanstalk offering single mums a free consultation to get that low conflict separation happening

Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Expert advice to find your single mum style
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Do you, like me, feel that you have lost touch of what your personal style is? Or do you know what you want your style to be but don't have the time to rock it?
Then stay tuned.
I chat to Danielle Johansen from Threadicated, an online and shipped to your door personal fashion styling service. This is a lady who has spent years in the fashion industry understanding trends, body types and style.
Remember, style is not just about the latest trends for the rich and famous. It's about expression, self-care and feeling good about yourself when you strut out your front door every day.
Listen to Danielle and I talk about:
- Why it's so damn important to find your style (do not put it at the end of your "to do" list)
- Some really simple starter tips that you can do right now ... without even leaving the house
- How to make clothes shopping (at the actual shops) enjoyable and successful
- The services of an online personal fashion stylist and how it all works
- How to get (and stay) stylish without shelling out too much cash
- The Threadicated 20% OFF special offer on the Beanstalk Discount Directory

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Covid disaster payments: What you need to know
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Lockdowns are becoming part and parcel of daily life here in Australia, but they certainly don't get easier, especially if you are losing work each time.
On this podcast, I chat to Hank Jongen, General Manager of Services Australia, who are doing a heroic job of getting covid disaster payments out to those in need, when they need it.
This factual chat will put you on the right path to get support whether you're in lockdown or isolation, and losing money (or your mind) as a result of it.
Hank explains:
- What support is available to people in lockdown across Australia
- How eligibility works (hint: it's done by hours not dollars)
- How to make a claim for a disaster payment
- The estimated wait time for financial assistance
- Moving forward, as lockdowns continue, how and when to re-claim
- What to do if you are self-employed or a sole trader
- How these payment work in terms of tax and income support purposes
- More support services available, over and above the disaster payment

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Genius tips for the first time (in a long time) dating single mum
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Terrified of dating after being off the scene for so long? We get it!
I chat to Elly Johnson who, alongside Leena Sisco, owns TruthLove Academy, designed to help women date smart and date safe. Elly explains how to get perfectly poised to make your debut into the dating world. Then, once you're off and running, how to protect yourself, enjoy yourself and ultimately attract an amazing partner.
Our conversation includes but is not limited to:
- The biggest challenges for single mums getting back into the dating world, and how to overcome them
- Some of the risks to women on the dating scene and how to protect yourself
- The texting trap - what it is, how and why to avoid it ... and why some single mums do it
- The importance of the kind of stuff Elly and Leena can teach you, like learning about human behaviour, information elicitation and understanding limiting beliefs
- Why (and how) to stay positive on the dating scene
- Where to found Elly and Leena if you need to more support with dating